Business credit cards are great. They allow another opportunity to earn points/miles for opening a credit card, and best of all they do not affect your personal credit score!
Unlike on a personal card where you should be very careful to never utilize too much of the total available credit, you can utilize a greater percentage on a business card because it won’t count against your personal credit score.
Another advantage of a business card is when you sign up for cards that have just the first year fee-free. On a personal card you may negatively impact your credit score when you cancel the card because your total available credit goes down (unless you move the credit to another card) On a business card you can cancel the card without any worries as it won’t affect your personal credit score!
You do not actually need a business to apply for a business credit card!
Here is what you should fill out on the application form: (This is all 100% legal as confirmed with credit card CS agents.)
-Business Type: Sole-Proprietorship
-Business Name: You can just enter your exact name as the business name!
-Tax ID number: Most forms (including AMEX) allow you to leave this blank. Alternatively you can enter your SSN, as that is the tax ID number for sole-proprietors.
Here are some business card apps that you can try out!
You can check the status of an AMEX application by using the AMEX Status Checker
American Express Business Gold Rewards Card, 1st Year Fee-Free a $125 SavingsBlue for Business® from American Express. -0% APr For 15 Months
Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express
Blue Cash for Business offers up to 5% cash back, no annual fee and 0% introductory APR.
Good luck!